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How it works...

What happens when you place an order?

  1. Go to the Shop page and purchase the item or package you would like.
  2. Foxhound Forge will send you a confirmation email outlining the ordering process.
  3. Reply to that email with an black and white graphics file similar to what you see on the right.
  4. We import your image into our system and send you a 3D CAD rendered proof of what will be created.
  5. Once you approve the 3D proof, we will put your item into production.
  6. The production time usually takes 4 to 5 business days for the item to be ready for shipment. 

Making things easier...

  • Mirror image
    • All artwork will be mirrored along the horizontal axis.  We do this so that the impression made by the brand will be in the same orientation as the original artwork.   
  • Size
    • The stock we use for the brand is all 1/2 inch thick.  The design will be engraved to depth of .08 inches.
    • Unless you tell us, we will scale your design to fit the stock size of the brand minus 5% to 10%.
    • If you require the impression of your brand to be a particular size, please tell us when you submit  your image.
  • Black and White images
    • We require black and white images for the design.
    • The black portion of your image will be the image your brand will make when you use it.
    • You can submit the following file formats: JPeg, GIF, PNG, TIFF, AI, or PSD.
    • Keep in mind that the cutter we use has a 60 degree point.  That means that where there is a large gap between features, there will be a deep pocket.   If features are close together, it will be a shallow groove.  When branding, very small features will be hard to see.

Dragon Proof


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